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Peer Support/Reflective Practice sessions with NAAPOC

The National Alliance of Abortion & Pregnancy Options Counsellors (NAAPOC)


Melbourne Pregnancy Counsellors is a proud member of NAAPOC.


NAAPOC was formally established in 2014 as an alliance of pregnancy options counsellors who have joint expertise and interest in unplanned, unintended or unwanted pregnancy and abortion counselling and the provision of pro-choice information, women-centred counselling and referral services. NAAPOC originated with four founding organisations comprised of Pregnancy Advisory Service PAS (Victoria), Marie Stopes International Australia-MSIA (national), Children by Choice (Queensland) and Pregnancy Advisory Centre - PAC, (South Australia). 


All counsellors employed by these services and in the NAAPOC alliance hold tertiary qualifications in relevant fields including social work, psychology and counselling and have extensive experience in counselling women with an unplanned pregnancy. 


NAAPOC now holds additional members from Family Planning NSW, Desert Blue WA, as well as Abortion & Contraception Services (formerly PAS) Victoria as well as private practitioners. 


NAAPOC meets online quarterly for reflective practice and professional development/peer support sessions in the area of pro-choice pregnancy options, abortion and post-abortion counselling.


Any enquiries re NAAPOC: please contact

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